Difficulty on starting!

I have put my self a side, soothed my rather negative feelings by eating and gained weight.. so much that scale was showing 112.9kg on 1st of January 2014 and I can´t remember that I would have weighed that much for years and years.. if never. My problem is that I hate sport, love fancy clothes (which I don´t even fit on to now) and I love food. This is my journey towards healthier and happier me.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My 13 day Diet with all it´s glory

I also recommend you to discuss about it with your GP to make sure you are fit to do this,
if you have some illness as this is hard for body.

13-Day fat-burning regimen is a tough thing!
It should not be done if you  have only few kilos to loose.
If you have at least 7 kilos to loose,  and you are other wise perfectly healthy,
your cholesterol levels are normal, you may start!

This diet is not about little calories..
It is designed to enhance metabolism, and specifically burning the fat.
Therefore, guidelines should be followed  slavishly! Just one slip, One Glass of wine, Beer, potato chips,
can ruine your diet. It is only 13 days, you can do it!!
Nothing extra shall not be put in your mouth, But nothing must be omitted or replaced by another product.
(Common sense is good here.. if you don´t eat meat, replace it with fish)
Never swap Spinach to cabbage, and never use readily made salad dressings, it is ONLY little bit of olive oil, and squeeze of Lemon on your salad ( and it actually tastes rather good).
Only thing that you can swap is lunch and dinner.
Instead of Coffee, you may have strong black tea, most important thing is that you get your caffein, as it helps body to absorbe fat by helping your metabolism.
When menu refers to big slice of ham it means at least 50g.
Big Steak is no less than 250g-300g.
Spinach you may eat fresh or cook it on teflon pan without oil, to make it warm, when content changes a bit, and you get some variations to your foods.
You also must add that tiny bit of sugar to your coffee. More you have weight to loose, more you have to eat, in this diet I mean.. don´t cut your food intake or your body will start saving, and does not burn calories like before and you don´t loose weight.
Diet may seem really hard, but actually is not, if you manage to pull trough the Course of treatment,
and follow these guidelines for 13 days ( think it is ONLY 13 days) your metabolism is burning more than before.  Steaks can be enormous and eating fish can make you feel really full, so no starving!!
This diet is not worth of taking, unless you really decide to loose weight and follow guidelines  faithfully.  Determination is the word!
On seventh day, you are missing dinner completely, it can sound a bit hard, but I assure you that by then your body has made an odd thing: hunger is gone!

Herbs, salt, and pepper is allowed. Drink loads of water, at least 2 liters per day!  You may squeeze little lemon in to your water if it makes it easier to drink. Don´t drink coffee or tea during the day. Alcohol and sugary soft drinks are strictly prohibited! If you feel that you need to snack something sweet, opt. for Pepsi Max or Coca-Cola zero if you have to, avoid sugar. Be careful with soft drinks, they may cause calories and worst of all sugar that will ruin your great diet totally.
If you are allergic to some foods, offered in diet, swap it to similar, but be aware of  sugar content, tat you don´t ruin your diet. for example: instead of  a tomato, take about tomato size cut f cucumber, swap Orange to apple, but avoid banana, that has very high sugar content.

Fat-Burning Diet Program

Days 1 & 8 
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee with small teaspoonful  of sugar
Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs, plenty of cooked spinach, 1 tomato
Dinner: Large teflon fried or grilled steak with green salad with little squeeze of lemon and olive oil.

Days 2 & 9
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee, with small teaspoonful of sugar
Lunch: Large steak, loads of green salad, and one fresh fruit ea. apple, pear, orange
Dinner: one thick slice of ham, 1.5 dl low fat natural yoghurt (no sugar in it)

Days 3 & 10
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee with small teaspoonful of sugar, 1 piece of toast (no butter)
Lunch: Boiled Spinach, 1 tomato, 1 fresh fruit
Dinner: 1 thick slice of ham, 2 boiled eggs, plenty of green salad with oil & lemon dressing, one fresh fruit

Days 4 & 11
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee with small teaspoonful of sugar, 1 piece of toast (no butter)
Lunch: 250g low fat cottage cheese, 1 large grated carrot, 1 hard boiled egg
Dinner: 1.5dl low fat natural yoghurt, small fruit salad (can contain 3 fruits by your choice, no banana)

Days 5 & 12
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee with small spoonful of sugar, 1 large grated carrot,  squeeze of lemon juice
Lunch: Lot of lean, low fat fish with lemon, green salad, small piece of toast, with little butter
Dinner: Large teflon fried steak, boiled broccoli

Days 6 & 13 
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee with small spoonful of sugar, peace of toast (no butter)
Lunch: teflon fried/grilled chicken, (chicken breasts are great), green salad with oil & lemon
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs 1 grated carrot

Day 7
Breakfast: 1 cup of tea
Lunch: large steak (grilled or owen baked meat such as pork, lamb, or beef)
Dinner: Nothing to eat, drink water and if wish you may squeeze in some lemon.

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