Difficulty on starting!

I have put my self a side, soothed my rather negative feelings by eating and gained weight.. so much that scale was showing 112.9kg on 1st of January 2014 and I can´t remember that I would have weighed that much for years and years.. if never. My problem is that I hate sport, love fancy clothes (which I don´t even fit on to now) and I love food. This is my journey towards healthier and happier me.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

105.2kg Feeling Fit

I am feeling so much better than before.
Going out for walk does not make me tiered, but actually energised and happy.
Have tend to walk 3km to cafeteria, take Flat White coffee with skimmed milk and walk on top of hill in primrose hill (park) and enjoy skyline of London and let my dog run free and just relax for a moment and then keep running. It feels amazing when come home, I am awake, haeppy, done my sport and I feel strong and feel fitter and fitter every day.
I have been packing away clothes that are way too big for me and it feels so good to let go of things like that.
Was trying out some dresses that I was wearing last summer and they look lot nicer on me now when I don´t have so much kilo´s that lard is hanging out from every little fold of the dress..
I had no option last summer but to wear them. I just had to.
It was so hard, I felt depressed, ugly, fat and so unhappy about my self.
Obviously there was reason for all that and it was not just me eating my self unhappy.. It was me BEING un happy and eating because I am emotional eater.. and when things went wrong in working life I just baked, ate, baked , ate, cooked ate, and it was vicious sircle.

Now I have found people to share this healthier lifestyle and I really enjoy about it.

I am wishing you lot of sunshine!!

Waiting leaves to trees and warmer days!

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